Golf for FREE!
Ask your company, clients, friends and family to sponsor a hole at $75 per hole.

If you collect...
1 hole sponsor.... you get a $10 discount!
2 hole sponsors... you get a $30 discount!
3 hole sponsors... you get a $75 discount!
4 hole sponsors... YOU GOLF FOR FREE!

You MUST mail all sponsor checks along with your entry form.
You may adjust your golf entry fee according to these rules.

Deadline for discount is July 16, 2007. No exceptions.

If you have any questions, please email info@powerhockey.com or call (763) 535-4736.


Your participation in this event will help raise money to support the programs of the
United States Electric Wheelchair Hockey Association (U.S. EWHA) and the Minnesota PowerHockey League.

U.S.EWHA Minnesota PowerHockey League

We are an all-volunteer organization and a member
of Disabled Sports USA, a U.S. Olympic Committee member.

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